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 In general, we seek medical attention for vision problems .We use glasses or contact lenses. We do laser treatment. We forget what is important. We do not do exercises for the eyes and eye muscles.

Doing the following 10 exercises each for 2 minutes for 21 consecutive days can be beneficial:

1. Eye push-up:  


 Close and open the eyes fast. Close the eyes and inhale . Do this in one second. Open the eyes and exhale (one second). Do this for 1 minute i.e. 30 times and slowly increase to 60 times( 2 minutes). This combined yoga eye exercises will help to calm the mind.

2. Internal massage of the eye


The eyes should first be closed gently and then tightly and open slowly. Inhale while closing the eyes. Exhale while opening the eyes. Inhale for 5 seconds Exhale 5 seconds. Do this 6 times in a row and then 12 times. It helps to increase blood flow to the eyes and rejuvenate the nerves. This is good for Dry Eye.

3. Palming - Massage to the eye


Close the left eye with the left palm. Close the right eye with the palm of the right hand. Then rotate the hand clockwise 5 times  and anticlockwise 5 times. Do this for 10 seconds each time. Focus on the eye and breathe normally. Do this 6 times. This exercise will be used to relax the eye muscles and optimise eye blood flow.

4. Eye turning exercises


 Turn the eyes to the right and then to the left 5 times then top to bottom, bottom to top 5 times. Do it from top right to bottom left and top left to bottom right. Rotate the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat each exercise 5 times. Requires balanced breathing. Normally each exercise can be done for up to 5 seconds. This will help strengthen the eye muscles. This is excellent for computer users.

5. Eye sharpening training


  Keep your eyes open and look at an object 5 feet away for 10 to 15 seconds without blinking. Then place it at a distance of 10 feet and look at it without blinking for 10 to 15 seconds. Do normal slow breathing (can be done for 2 minutes i.e. 4 times. This provides blood flow and exercise to the inner muscles of the eye

6. Pencil push up:  




Take a pencil in hand. Hold the pencil in your hand so that the pencil and the eye come in the same line. First you have to turn your eyes and look at the tip of your nose. Inhale and exhale slowly. Now turn your eyes and look at the pencil. Take a deep breath once more and then look at an image visible in the distance. Repeat it four times. Exercising the muscles inside the eye and helping the blood flow to the optic nerves are the major benefits.

7.Training for complete rest


 Close your eyes in a completely dark place and stay for 2 minutes. If the area is not dark, you can gently cover it with an eye mask or palm to refresh the eye nerves.

8. Eye Water Training:   

Close the eyes and remain like that for 2 minutes. After that we can open the eyes. Now again close the eyes and splash water over the closed lids. Do this 5 to 7 times.

9. Foods that brighten the eye     


  Diet is just as important as training. Orange, Carrot, Almond can be used daily. The eyes need vitamins A, D, C, A and zinc. It is good to add onions, garlic, fish and eggs.

10. a) External eye massage:


  Close your eyes and massage the area around the eye with two fingers. Press the thumb and forefinger 5 times in  clockwise direction and 5 times in anti clockwise direction. This is good training for the muscles around the eyes. Increases blood flow and helps in relaxing the muscles.

b) Acupressure massage:

i) Introduction to Acupressure:


Acupressure points are meridian energy points that correlate to a particular organ. Any obstruction in the energy flow causes illnesses and diseases to occur. In this case, it’s the eyes! Acupressure points around the eyes are particularly beneficial for eye-related problems. By applying pressure around these acupressure points, we can relieve pain and eye ailments by relaxing the eye muscles and increasing the flow of blood to the eye area.

1. Zanzhu (U.B.2). (Tsanchu).


This acupressure point is located at the depression of the inner end of both directly above the inner canthus of the eyebrows.

2. Sizhukong (S.J. 23). (Ssuchukung).


This acupressure point is located at the outer end of both eyebrows, away from the eyes. 

3. Chengqi  (St. 1.). (Chengchi).


Located directly under the center of the eye, this acupressure point treats symptoms of conjunctivitis, redness, swelling, twitching, and pain in the eye.

4. Yangbai(G.B.14.).(Yangpai):


The Yangbai point is located above midpoint of the eyebrow in the forehead. Not only does it relieves headaches, but also reduces eye twitching, drooping of the eyes, and even glaucoma when acupressure is applied to this point.

5. Yuyao (Ex-HN4):


The Yuyao point is located at the midpoint of the eyebrow, right above the pupils of the eyes. Applying pressure to this point helps to soothe the eyes’ redness, swelling, pain, superficial visual obstruction, and eyelid twitching. Headaches may also be relieved.

ii)How to massage acupressure points for the eyes

When massaging acupressure points for the eyes, it’s important to use the correct technique and find the right balance.

Performing any facial acupressure, including eye acupressure, requires knowledge of the specific point and proper technique to massage the area.

You should be careful enough not to cause pain but also apply firm enough pressure to be effective.

“This method should never be painful, but you should feel a sense of acute pressure in the area you are applying acupressure to”.

Massage the points for the eyes in a circular manner. “This is a relaxing way to ease into the practice,” she says.

Once you’ve massaged the area, to hold the point for 10 to 15 seconds, then release for about the same amount of time.

Repeat this process at the same point between 6 to 10 times.

Remember to breathe. Slow, deep breathing is important during this process.

How long should acupressure be done?

Massage the point for one to two minutes. Focus on nothing else except massaging the point while applying acupressure. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Repeat acupressure as often as you would like.

iii)Benefits of massaging these points:

The benefits of massaging the areas near the eye are endless.


“Acupressure is a great, noninvasive way to give our eyes a bit of TLC and help them recover from the stressors of the day.

This is especially important in a time when we’re constantly looking at our phones, computers, tablets, and television screens.

Help relieve tension:

Massaging pressure points for the eyes may help relieve tension and headaches, and provide a sense of relaxation.

Alleviate eye twitching:

Focusing on these points may also help alleviate eye twitching or weakness.

Improve vision problems:

Additionally, Baran points out that certain eye acupressure points are believed to improve vision problems, such as nearsightedness.

May help with glaucoma:

Acupressure may also help with more complicated eye health conditions like glaucoma and floaters by increasing the blood flow and relaxing the muscles in the area.




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