Injury to Cornea, infection by germs, vitamin deficiency and nerve defects are some of the reasons that produce corneal ulcer.
1. Virus, bacteria or fungal infection.
2. Injury to cornea
3. Contact lens related reasons
4. Dirty water (Swimming Pool etc)
5. Deficiency in body immunity
6. Hot climate that promotes
microbial multiplication
7. Medicines - steroid Eye drops.

Treatment varies with the cause of Corneal ulcer. Antibiotic Drops are used for bacterial Infection. For fungal infections we use Antifungal drops. Viral infections are treated with Antiviral drops. If there is no improvement with drops, doctors give injections inside the cornea. Even if this does not work the patient may require corneal Transplantation.


- Eye drops are the First line of defense against corneal ulcer.
- If the person is not responding to drops, injections are given.
Medication given in the form of injection into the cornea.
Corneal transplant (keratoplasty) is a surgical procedure to replace part of your cornea with corneal tissue from a donor. Your cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped surface of your eye. It's where light enters your eye and is a large part of your eye's ability to see clearly.
Things to do:
• Attention is required in case of injury to the Cornea.
• Do not rinse the eyes with water.
• Lie down with your eyes closed for 5 to 10 minutes after applying each drop.
• If eye pain or redness is more consult a doctor immediately.
• Take a bath only after the irritation is completely gone.
• It is better to go for consultation as advised.
• This is because there is a high chance of vision impairment if scarring occurs.
• Leave the medicine in the eyes for 5 to 10 minutes after applying the drops.
Medications should be applied as advised by the doctor.
• Take tablets after meals.
• Keep diabetes under control.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When will the pain from my ulcer start to decrease?
Once the medication starts healing the ulcer, the pain will start decreasing. Painkiller tablets may also temporarily reduce the pain.
Will I get my vision back?
After the ulcer heals, Some ulcers heal without scar. If scar persists you may require glasses or surgery to get better vision.
When will the ulcer heal and how long will I have to apply the medicines?
This depends on the size of the ulcer. Larger ulcers take longer to heal. The cause of the ulcer is also important. Fungal ulcers take longer to heal. For the fastest recovery, keep your diabetes under control and apply the eye drops as advised.
When should I come back for a checkup?
Whenever your doctor advises.
When can I take a head bath?
You may take a head bath when the ulcer is completely healed. Your doctor will tell you when it is okay.
Can any surgery be done and if so, will it give me full vision?
Surgery is only used as a last resort. Once the ulcer heals, a surgery may be possible to improve vision. Also, if your ulcer does not heal with medicines, you might have to get a corneal transplantation.