To understand quantum healing we must understand the basic concepts of the anatomy of the quantum body. To understand quantum healing we must understand the basic concepts of the anatomy of the quantum body.
Quantum physics:
This is the study of matter and energy at the level of atoms and subatomic particles like electrons and photons.
Quantum Healing:
Combines ideas from mind - body medicine with quantum physics, meditation, and medicines. You can heal your body, mind and Spirit by shifting energy at the quantum (or subatomic) level. As long as you are being treated by a doctor for your illness, quantum healing techniques are an excellent adjunct to augment healing Quantum body.
Before the arrival of quantum physics, people believed that an atom had a relatively solid nucleus with smaller objects like electrons and photons located in or around it. Atoms seemed to be made up of solid material.
The quantum version of an atom with electron cloud.
Atoms are mostly empty space, atoms are energy. The atom is 99.99999 percent energy and .00001 percent matter. Everything physical in your life is not solid matter. It is all fields of energy.
In the subatomic world we see not only physical qualities but also energy qualities. Matter at the subatomic level exists as a momentary phenomenon, constantly appearing and disappearing , into nothing transforming, from the particle (matter) to wave (energy) and vice versa.
Every quantum object like electron is both a particle and a wave. Imagine a tennis ball that would be in several different places at the same time. But when you try to locate it with measuring instruments, the quantum object is suddenly reduced to one spot. This means that electrons, atoms and even photons ( light particles) are small particles and waves, both at the same time.
Albert Einstein: produced the famous equation

demonstrating that energy and matter are fundamentally related that they are one and the same. Essentially he showed through his work that energy and matter are inter changeable.
Atoms are made up of vertices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating. They radiate energy. Each atom has it own energy signature, assemblies of atoms (molecular) collectively their own energy signature so every material structure in the universe, including you and me, radiates a unique energy signature.
Quantum perspective reveals that the universe is an integration of energy fields that are entangled in a mesh work of interactions. There is massive complexity of the intercommunications among the physical parts and the energy fields.
The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second. The speed of a diffusable chemical in less than one centimetre per second. Energy signals are 100 times more efficient and infinitelyFaster Trillion - celled community of cells will definitely prefer electromagnetic signals because thermo chemical bonding waste a lot of energy due to the heat generated in making and breaking chemical bonds.
Quantum physicists have created energy scanning devices that can analyse the frequencies emitted by specific chemicals. These scanning devices enable scientists to identify the molecular composition of materials and objects. Because energy fields travel easily through the physical body, these modern devices, such as CAT scans, MRIs and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) can defeat diseases non invasively.
Because atoms are in constant motion, which we can measure by their vibration , they create wave patterns. Each atom is unique because the distribution of its negative and positive charges, coupled with their spin generate a specific vibration of energy pattern.
Scientist first identify the frequency of a specific atom and tune a laser to emit the same frequency. The laser waves are designed to emit the same wave pattern that are designed to be in sync with those of the atom. Through the mechanics of constructive interference, the absorbed energy causes the atoms to vibrate in the same frequencies. Doctors use thin to treat kidney stone. when the focused energy waves with the atoms of the kidney stones. The atoms of the kidney stones vibrate so quickly that the stones explode and dissolve.
Biologists have not explored there mechanics with the passion with which they explore a new drug. This is unfortunate because there is enough scientific evidence to suspect that we can tailor a waveform as therapeutic agent in such a way as we now modulate chemical structure with drugs.
An embryo expands by cell division, making an exact replica of itself with the same DNA, same genes. But in the adult body the cells are differentiated to their functions. For example the liver cell Functions differently from the brain cell. The proteins that make a cell makes to determine cellular functions: the genes have the code to make the proteins. In liver cells, the genes are being activated so as to make an entirely different set of proteins from the brain cells, so there must be programs running the cells. The source of the programme is not of the DNA.
In the late 1950s, biologists such as Conrad Waddington (1957) suggested the idea of morphogenic fields that, perhaps residing in the cytoplasm, outside the cell nucleus, guided the program of morphogenesis.
Viral body or etheric body can be the abode of these morphogenic fields. distinct from the physical. The vital body provided blue prints for the forms and programs of morphogenesis.
Often referred to the aura, this layer of energy is joined directly to the physical body, every cell, tissue and organ. All you have to do is hold your hands within few inches of a person's body and you can perceive its powerful radiant energy. It is often referred to as the "Etheric Double" because all the organs are replicated in the etheric form.
From this level within the field, all our feelings, emotions, desires, joys, pains and sufferings emerge. Each emotion appears in the field as a charged constellation of energy. If the emotion is joy, the field opens and expands, sending energy radiating throughout the entire electrical and physical body. Immediately the body experiences a flood of life force.
The healing that can take place in that moment can be miraculous. The loss of energy that occurs, whenever we experience guilt, shame and unresolved anger.
The third layer of the field is responsible for intellectual functions, our conscious and subconscious mind and many memories. This conscious mind, of course, refer to those aspects of ourselves and our environment of which we are aware. By subconscious means thoughts, memories and dreams that have been repressed or forgotten but that exists just beneath the surface of our conscious mind.
The fourth layer level contains all the extra ordinary abilities, such as intution, extra sensory perception ,image projection and spiritual insight.
Intution is the ability to learn the experience of the true connection that exists among all people and indeed with Infinite Intelligence. When we experience that unity we open ourselves to the information that is passing constantly through the cosmos in the form of energy.Your ability to allow your intution or the fourth layer within your field to guide you depends on how clear and unobstructed the lower layer is. By removing obstructions from these levels of our being, the fourth and the higher layers can influence the mental, emotional and etheric body.
Traditional approaches to the field maintain that there is a place within all of us that we know that why we are here on the earth. This layer of the field contains the knowledge of your life purpose, your many talents and the lessons you wish to learn while you are on this earth.
your ability to allow your intuition or the fourth layer within your field to guide you depends on how clear and unobstructed the lower layer is. By removing obstructions from these levels of our being, the fourth and the higher layers can influence the mental, emotional and etheric body.
All layers of the vital body and the physical body are directly linked to the cosmic intelligence, but the sixth and the seventh layers actually know it and are consciously in direct contact with it.
While each layer of the field has its own unique function, strengths, weaknesses, abilities and talents, it must work in co-ordination with the entire field in order for us to express our talents and abilities and learn about life.
The differentiation line may be very thin between the layer.
Energy of infinite possibilities is shaped by consciousness. your mind Your consciousness (mind) has effect on energy because your consciousness is energy. You are energy with consciousness.
Self consciousness possessed by mankind, encompassing thought reason, and imagination. Cosmic consciousness which is a" higher form of consciousness" than that possessed by the ordinary man.
Cosmic Consciousness in the core of nature, the essence of everything
and the basic foundation of the universe. It is the immortal, all-passive, omnipresent expense of energy which connects all mind and matter. Stated in another way it is infinite intelligence that sustains everything. This unified field connects all mind and matter.
Quantum objects are waves of possibility. When we are not looking, they spread as water waves. But Quantum waves spreads, not in space - time, but in the realm of possibility. When we look the waves of possibility collapses. When consciousness collapses the wave of possibilities, by choosing are of the electrons possible facets, the facet become actuality.
When Consciousness simultaneously Collapses the possibility waves of the physical body and vital body, quantum collapse of the of an organ is always associated with quantum collapse of the correlated vital. The activation of the vital blue print in tantamount to vital energy movements. The movement are what we experience .
Thoughts, the mind's energy directly influence how the physical brain controls the body's physiology. Thought 'energy' can activate or inhibit cell function- producing proteins via the mechanics of constructive or destructive interference.' Energy follows thought'. Mind is not focussed in the head but is distributed via signal molecules to the whole body.
The quantum perspective reveals that the universe is an integration of interdependent energy field that are entangled in a meshwork of inter actions cellular constituents are woven into a complex web of cross table, and feedforward communication loops. Mind is not confined to brain but is projected everywhere is inner space.
If you can imagine a future event like healing from a disease, this reality already exists as a possibility field waiting to be observed by you. If your mind can induce the appearance of the electron, then theoretically it can influence the appearance of any possibility. Mind and consciousness (which are themselves energy) to make waves of energetic probabilities that coalesce into physical matter! You can intentionally affect destiny. Welcome to the world of quantum healing.
Having discussed in detail about energy field at atomic levels, in my next blog, I will deal extensively with Intelligence at the level of molecules i.e cells their DNA and how they function.